Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ellen's Angels

before we even had a clue that this was the big "c" and I was just in alot of pain and so much pain medicine a group of FRIENDS banned together to help me becasue I just couldn't function. They cooked my family meals, ran errands for me, layed in bed and laughed and cried with me. WITHOUT knowing how seriously sick I was. Then we found out just how sick.... and again they banned together and they come to me and listen and we laugh and cry together. They are Ellen's Angels, they are MY ANGELS. I really don't know what I would or could do without them. I am so so fortunate to have my MOM and POP support me through this and they mean so much to me, their love could never be replaced. But MY ANGELS here in the Bay are just such a positive support system that electrifies me and consistently brings me the energy I need to fight this. I have always known the love of my family, my brother, my sister, my POP and especially my MOM - there's never been a day that I havent felt their love. BUT again Ellen's Angels have brought a new love into my life. These women are strong, beautiful, selfless and encouraging. There is no jealously or hatred in their hearts when it comes to their friends. I truly appreciate what each one brings to me and all on different levels. Some are spiritual some are humor some are tear flowers etc..... each one brings me something that I need to fight this battle. So here's to the original Ellen's Angels - Tammy, Danielle, Alicia, Ellen, Kelly, Susan, and Andrea and to some possibly future angels that are awaiting the right time to enter my life..... I love every single one of you and will never forget what you have done for me and my family! PS to show you how much I am loved and how special these girls are - Danielle and Alicia want to shave their heads with me - naturally I said NO WAY - but if I would agree I know they certainly would do it - that is something that I will always remember..... Angels, Friends, and all mine!


  1. I'd go bald for you in a minute!!!!!

  2. Ellen-

    You are one of the bravest women I know. I am sending you so much love and light from New York City. Please say hello to Wayne and the kids. And I'll be checking in here regularly to see how you are doing. Let me know if there is anything that you need, ok?


  3. E, I don't need to say much because you know what I mean to say and how I know. I wanted to give you just a few words to make you smile and cry... Breathe (your exhale is the warmth in our dreams)... Blink (because the next sight changes your perspective)...Convertible (your dreams were born in this RED one).... Love (you found it in life, and it is given back to you every day)... Fall (our only way of getting up and being stronger!!!)... Strong (the result of falling and showing your family it is you who God called to this challenge)....Best (in every measure of a woman I know)....Beautiful (the measure of 1 drop of your soul compared to us all)... Hope you feel better this moment - than how you did the last. I will see you soon and have sent you a nice give to comfort you. Some cry ‘Love me!! ’ Others: ‘Don’t love me!!’ But only a friend cries: ‘Love me Unconditionally, For it is me that I am, and only can be!”

  4. I am one that is waiting ... I am definitely NO ANGEL but I want to be here for you. Love you.
